De nouveaux produits prochainement...

De nouveaux produits prochainement...

Website navigation is important to the success of your website visitor’s experience. It’s helping visitors understand what content is on the site and making it easy for them to find what they're looking for. The larger the site, the more important it is to provide clear navigation. If the navigation is clear, visitors will stay and have a good experience, which ultimately leads to more business for you. Without proper navigation, a Web site becomes just a useless jumble of content.

A PrestaShop team takes it into consideration and do its best to create effective and strategic navigability in web-design by creating modules that will help you customize the web pages of an online store and, of course, to provide the high-quality navigation for it.

For instance, with JX Advanced Filter module you can search for products basing on its features; create filters with great many search criteria, available in the store by default or created additionally.

Using JX Mega Menu module allows you creating complex menus with custom blocks, banners, links, icons, and buttons.

With JX Search module you can add the image, description, category, price of the product to the search result. It allows you searching for the products in the specific category and easily change the category after entering the search request.

These modules expand default PrestaShop capabilities and make the site easily navigable, so the customers will be able to browse for products with ease.

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